Teri – Eat, Crave, Create http://eatcravecreate.com Creating the life we crave through food, crafts, family, faith, and fun! Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:22:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 https://i0.wp.com/eatcravecreate.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/cropped-EatCraveCreate_Logo_Final2_wTagline.png?fit=32%2C32 Teri – Eat, Crave, Create http://eatcravecreate.com 32 32 167748195 Instant Pot “Hard-Boiled” Eggs http://eatcravecreate.com/instant-pot-hard-boiled-eggs/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=instant-pot-hard-boiled-eggs Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:18:36 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=391 Continue reading "Instant Pot “Hard-Boiled” Eggs"


This is probably the first thing I cooked in my Instant Pot. Still, there were so many “recipes” out there I wasn’t sure where to begin. After trying many of them… some successful and some… well, let’s just say I really like THIS method and leave it at that.

This method is often referred to as the “5-5-5” method. The eggs will cook for 5 minutes, rest for 5 minutes, and chill for 5 minutes. Hmmm. Sometimes I need to rest, then chill for 5 minutes! My mind is wandering. Back to the eggs!

One of these days I will fill my Instant Pot with eggs and see how it turns out, just to know what the maximum number of eggs will be.

I have cooked 18 successfully – so there. I usually cook 12-15 at a time.

Start by pouring 1 cup of water into the bottom of your Instant Pot. Then place the trivet on the bottom. Place the eggs on top of the trivet.

Now place the lid on top of the pot and lock. Make sure the vent is closed.

Press “Pressure Cook” and set the timer to 5 minutes. The “+” sign is above the “keep warm” button and the “-” sign is above the “pressure level” button. We are leaving this on high pressure so you don’t need to worry about pressure level. It will take a few seconds before you hear a beep and the screen changes to “On”.

It takes about 15 minutes to reach pressure, but once it does it will start counting the cook time. After it has cooked for 5 minutes, it will start counting the rest time. You will see this number with an “L” in front of it. You are allowing a “natural release” of pressure during this time. Allow the eggs to remain in the pot for 5 minutes. While the eggs are resting, prepare a bowl of ice water that is large enough to hold your eggs.

Open the vent to allow the remaining pressure to escape. I do this by tossing a dish towel over the top and using a spoon to move the vent to “venting”. I don’t like the “icky” stuff that often escapes with the steam and the towel prevents it from getting everywhere.

See how “pretty” they are? They are so easy to peel using this method!

Now, open the lid and remove the eggs, placing them into the bowl of ice water. After 5 minutes, remove the eggs. You’ll be amazed at how easily they peel. You may never make hard-boiled eggs the “traditional” way again.

Absolute Best Ever Potato Salad http://eatcravecreate.com/absolute-best-ever-potato-salad/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=absolute-best-ever-potato-salad Wed, 01 Jul 2020 16:23:00 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=370 Continue reading "Absolute Best Ever Potato Salad"

Imagine this picture with paprika in it. I forgot to add it!

How “Best Ever” is this potato salad? My parent’s divorced when I was in 4th grade. That was almost 50 years ago.

A few weeks before my Dad passed away we were talking about favorite foods, memories, etc. If he had lived a few more weeks I would have made this potato salad for him because he mentioned how much he would love to enjoy another meal “in the country”. He specifically mentioned how much he loved this potato salad. “In the country” was at my great aunt and uncle’s farm. Any time family gathered, we had a huge meal that always included potato salad, Chicken and Dumplin’s, macaroni and cheese, … well, you get the idea. You’re probably getting hungry imagining it. Let me share my potato salad with you!

I thought about “measuring things” as I made this potato salad the last couple times, but it just felt so…. wrong.

I can remember making things with my “Mamaw” (grandmother) and she would take a “scoop” of this and pour a “smidgeon” of that. When I was learning to cook that would frustrate me to no end. I remember when I was in high school and visiting one summer, I decided the family Chicken and Dumpling recipe finally had to be written down. When Mamaw took a scoop of Crisco, I took it from her and measured it. When she began dumping flour into a bowl I stopped her and measured it first. She thought I had lost my mind and kept chuckling as she told me I didn’t need to do that. I told her I didn’t want to make sure “I” knew how to do it, I wanted to make sure my children and grandchildren would know how to do it.

So, this is one of those recipes where I just don’t have perfect measurements written down. You learn to feel what is right. Besides, the beauty of a recipe like this is that you can customize it for your own family.

Ready? Here we go…

In yesterday’s post, I explained how to cook 5 pounds of potatoes in an Instant Pot. If you don’t have an Instant Pot, just boil them on the stove. That’s how I did it for over 40 years. The beauty of the Instant Pot is that you don’t have to heat up the kitchen. Check out this link for complete instructions. http://eatcravecreate.com/cook-potatoes-in-the-instant-pot/

I begin by cooking the potatoes in the Instant Pot. Then, after removing the potatoes I let them cool while I put the eggs in the Instant Pot.

After the eggs are cooking in the Instant Pot I go back to the potatoes. They are so much easier to peel AFTER they are cooked. I quickly peel them using a regular table knife. After they are all peeled I cut them into cubes. Place them in a bowl big enough to hold all of your ingredients so that you can easily chill in the refrigerator and, when you are ready, mix everything together.

Peel the eggs and chop them. Then toss them in the bowl with the potatoes. I like to let this chill in the refrigerator before continuing the process. I like COLD potato salad. Here is a link to instructions for cooking eggs in the Instant Pot. http://eatcravecreate.com/instant-pot-hard-boiled-eggs/

Secret Ingredient

Now you’re ready to start adding other ingredients. I have never had a potato salad ANYWHERE that compares. This is THE secret ingredient that makes this so incredibly delicious. I like to add a combination of red and green apples. You want an apple that will have a little bit of crunch. I use Granny Smith apples and Fuji or Gala. I don’t peel them because I like the color it adds to the salad. That’s why I use both red and green.

When I use 5 pounds of potatoes and 1 dozen eggs, I use 6-8 apples. Cut them into small cubes.

I usually make multiple “batches” because I can’t eat onion without getting a migraine and my husband can’t stand pickles. So, I make one batch with no pickles and one with no onions. If my mom or other extended family members are going to be there, I also make a batch using both onions and apples. I know… it sounds like a lot of work but we’re worth it!

I stir the potatoes, eggs, and apples together and add the mayonnaise and mustard, then split into two bowls before adding the rest.

How much mayonnaise? Enough to hold it together. Then, add a couple of squirts of mustard. You might be tempted to leave out the mustard, but don’t. I don’t like mustard, but it adds a tang that is definitely needed.

Add diced red onion and diced sweet pickle. You could really use any onion but, again, I like the color.

Salt to taste. Then, add Paprika. I like to use smoked paprika. I love the vibrant color. Can you tell I love color – especially in food! It also has an incredible flavor. Just for fun, just “taste” the difference sometime in regular paprika and smoked paprika. I would love to know what you think.

After mixing everything together, make sure you chill it. I have also added bacon a couple of times. Once you get the basic “recipe” you can customize it however you like!

PLEASE! Let me know if you try it!

Cook Potatoes in the Instant Pot http://eatcravecreate.com/cook-potatoes-in-the-instant-pot/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cook-potatoes-in-the-instant-pot Tue, 30 Jun 2020 21:00:00 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=360 Continue reading "Cook Potatoes in the Instant Pot"


One of my favorite side dishes growing up was Potato Salad. I love it even more now that I have discovered an easier way to prepare the potatoes!

I had my Instant Pot for awhile before I really began using it. It was just one more kitchen gadget taking up space in my kitchen. I’m happy to report that is no longer the case.

I love using it to cook these potatoes. I cook 5 pounds of potatoes in my 6 quart Instant Pot, and I don’t peel OR chop the potatoes.

Pour 1 cup of water into the pot and place your Instant Pot rack on the bottom.

Scrub potatoes and place on top of the rack.

Put the Instant Pot lid on and turn until it locks in place. Make sure the steamer vent is closed.

Push the “Pressure Cook” button. When you do this, you will see a light beneath the words “High Pressure.” Use the + or – button to enter the “Cook” time. If this is your first time using your Instant Pot… be patient. It will take a few seconds for it to “beep” and begin the process. Remember, it will need to build pressure before the cooking time begins.

I cook 5 pounds of gold potatoes for 8-10 minutes, depending on the size. I would start with 8 if you are unsure. If you test the potatoes for doneness and they are still too firm, simply close the lid and set it for 2-3 more minutes.

After the potatoes have cooked, the lighted numbers will start counting time and there will be an “L” before the numbers. Let them sit in the pot, untouched for 10 minutes. This is a natural release.

At the end of 10 minutes, open the steam vent. I always through a small cloth over the vent and use a spoon or something to open. This is especially important if you are using quick steam, because the steam will spray “ickies” all over the pot, counter, etc.

I transfer the potatoes to a large colander and let them cool for just a few minutes. Then, I “peel” them. I love this method because it is so easy to remove the skin AFTER the potatoes are cooked. I just use a regular kitchen knife to scrape the peel off of the potatoes. Then, proceed as needed for your recipe.

Stay tuned… I’ll share my recipe for THE ABSOLUTE BEST EVER POTATO SALAD tomorrow!

3 Tips for Rekindling Your Creative Mojo http://eatcravecreate.com/3-tips-for-rekindling-your-creative-mojo/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=3-tips-for-rekindling-your-creative-mojo Sat, 20 Jun 2020 23:00:25 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=354 Continue reading "3 Tips for Rekindling Your Creative Mojo"


Did you start creating content for social media because you enjoyed the creative process?  Have you lost some of your initial enthusiasm? Producing content can be overwhelming.  Hopefully one or more of the following ideas will help rekindle your creative mojo!

Brain Dump

Brain dumping is a useful tool for getting your ideas recorded.  Dump all your ideas into your favorite notebook or online tool. Then, you can decide which ideas are most important to focus on now and how you want to implement those ideas. YouTube Creator Marley Jaxx suggests starting “with brain dumping all of your ideas and then organizing them into keywords and topics.”

Create Content Themes

Trina, from the YouTube Channel “Tips with Trina,” suggests creating themes for each week of the month.  She calls them content pillars.  “These are the pillars that you rest your business on.  These are your areas of expertise.”  She explains that while the main focus of her channel is YouTube strategy, she is able to tie in other themes.  She weaves productivity tips, tips on building a business, and confidence building tips into her plan.  These topics easily support her main focus and provide additional themes or pillars.  She focuses on one of these pillars each week.

Batch Produce Content

Ashlyn, from Ashlyn Writes, says this begins with “setting aside a big-time block where I’m going to dive deep, brainstorm, and really flesh out the research…”  She also suggests breaking up the weekly content across social media channels.  Her “hero content” is her weekly YouTube video.  After creating the video, she determines what to post on other social media channels.  Describing her process, she explains that her hero content “gets stretched and broken up. …It gets teased on Instagram stories. It’s one full Instagram post. It’s three full Facebook posts, one email marketing campaign, about five different pins, and one tweet, all from that one video.”  When Trena from Tips with Trena films her videos, she films five YouTube Videos, and 5 IGTV videos. She also shoots the photos for the thumbnails.

Personalize this process.  You could “batch produce” content ideas for blog posts.  You also “batch produce” video to be edited for use on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.  You could try this same method for producing the photographs needed for your blog posts and posts on other social media platforms.


Consistently creating social media content can be a daunting and time-consuming process. By implementing a strategy that includes these three areas, we will give ourselves the freedom to nurture our creativity.  Which tip will you implement first? Let me know what you think! Email me at Teri@EatCraveCreate.com

4 Ideas for Creating Content on Multiple Social Media Platforms http://eatcravecreate.com/4-ideas-for-creating-content-on-multiple-social-media-platforms/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=4-ideas-for-creating-content-on-multiple-social-media-platforms Sat, 20 Jun 2020 22:30:33 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=348 Continue reading "4 Ideas for Creating Content on Multiple Social Media Platforms"


Have you ever seen a really good juggler juggle plates?  It can be exciting to watch as the juggler begins with several plates, then adds more and more plates until so many plates are flying through the air you wonder, “How on earth does he do that?”  As a fairly new blogger, I feel like that juggler with all of the plates flying through the air. Only, in my version of plate juggling I’m unsuccessful in keeping them all moving at once.  I am so worried about “catching” one plate that I completely “drop” the rest.

Do you recognize the need to post content on multiple social media platforms but struggle with how to make this happen most effectively?  Do you feel like I do?  Are you constantly dropping one social media plate to focus on another?  Are you worrying about the other social media plates that you know you should start tossing into the air? I don’t have an unlimited supply of social media plates to break and realized I need a better plan.  After consulting social media experts, I compiled 5 helpful hints. 

Brain Dump

Just like those spinning plates, there are often so many ideas running through my mind that I can’t keep track of them all.  Brain dumping is one method for getting these ideas recorded. YouTube Creator Marley Jaxx suggests starting “with brain dumping all of your ideas and then organizing them into keywords and topics.”

Create Content Themes

Trina, from the YouTube Channel “Tips with Trina,” suggests creating themes for each week of the month.  She calls them content pillars.  “These are the pillars that you rest your business on.  These are your areas of expertise.”  She explains that while the main focus of her channel is YouTube strategy, she is able to tie in other themes.  She weaves productivity tips, tips on building a business, and confidence building tips into her plan.  These topics easily support her main focus and provide additional themes or pillars.  She focuses on one of these pillars each week.

Batch Produce Content

The idea of producing content in batches can be applied in many ways.  Ashlyn, from Ashlyn Writes, says this begins for her with “setting aside a big-time block where I’m going to dive deep, brainstorm, and really flesh out the research…”  Her “hero content” is her weekly YouTube video.  After creating the video, she determines what to post on other social media channels.  Describing her process, she explains that this content, “gets stretched and broken up. …It gets teased on Instagram stories. It’s one full Instagram post. It’s three full Facebook posts, one email marketing campaign, about five different pins, and one tweet, all from that one video.”  You might consider “batch producing” the photography needed for posts on your blog, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.  Video could be “batch produced” then edited.  After editing for the appropriate platform, the videos could be used for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or your blog.

Create a Content Calendar

Phil Pallen is a brand strategist and social media expert. He explains the importance of taking the time to plan content.  He explains, “Planning your content ahead of time is like the online version of keeping an agenda, anticipating in-person commitments, and relying on technology to help us perform our daily tasks. In fact, not just perform them, but enhance them.”

Creating a Content Calendar allows us to see the bigger picture.  When we keep track of everything in one place, we can see where we need to refocus our efforts.


Creating and maintaining a presence on multiple social media platforms can be overwhelming.  Hopefully, one or more of these ideas will help you go from trying unsuccessfully to juggle multiple social media channels to being the ringmaster of your online presence. 

Did you try one of these ideas?  How did it work for you?  Do you have other suggestions?  Please comment and let me know! OR send me an email at Teri@EatCraveCreate.com

Patriotic Tiered Tray http://eatcravecreate.com/patriotic-tiered-tray/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=patriotic-tiered-tray Fri, 22 May 2020 11:00:04 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=339 Continue reading "Patriotic Tiered Tray"


A tiered tray isn’t part of my regular seasonal decorating, but it was fun to put together. I gathered things from my red, white, and blue stash of decorations and purchased a couple of things from Hobby Lobby and the Dollar Store.

I purchased the tiered tray a few years ago from Hobby Lobby when they were 50% off. The firecrackers and mug on the bottom, the little truck in the middle, and the stars and cotton on top are all from Hobby Lobby. They were purchased at various times over the years. The flower on the bottom is part of a metal decoration I purchased from Dollar Tree. It was originally hanging from a metal sign that said America or God Bless America. I used pliers and separated the flower from the sign so I could fit it on the tray. The printed flowers in the mug, and the pail, and the red, white, and blue candle on the tier above are also from Dollar Tree. I used a couple of bandanas for added color on two of the tiers. I have had them for a while but I saw some recently at Hobby Lobby.

Patriotic Mason Jar Decoration http://eatcravecreate.com/patriotic-mason-jar-decoration/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=patriotic-mason-jar-decoration Fri, 22 May 2020 11:00:00 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=342 Continue reading "Patriotic Mason Jar Decoration"


Is it silly that I love something that was so incredibly simple to put together?

I have mason jars aplenty at my house so I grabbed one from my basement. The ribbon wrapped around the jar is leftover from a wreath I made a few years ago. It is literally a piece that had already been cut and stuck in a box of leftover ribbon.

I love the “stuff” wrapped around the ribbon. I wish I could remember where I purchased it. I need to check Hobby Lobby after they finish getting all the Patriotic decor stocked because I cut I piece off of the one I have so I just might need another one. After cutting a piece off I just twisted the strands together. When I put the patriotic decorations away I can just slide these off and pack them away.

A few weeks ago I purchased a couple packages of patriotic straws at Dollar Tree. I wasn’t sure what I would use them for when I purchased them but I knew they would get used. I think they look really cute in this jar with the flags. Don’t you agree?

Clothespin/ String Art http://eatcravecreate.com/clothespin-string-art/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=clothespin-string-art Wed, 20 May 2020 10:00:17 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=336 Continue reading "Clothespin/ String Art"


I have a blank spot I needed to fill so I decided to create some string art. I remember seeing a valentine decoration by ArtsyFartsyMama.com that attached little hearts to what looked like a clothesline with miniature clothespins. I loved the miniature clothespins. Let’s face it, I love pretty much anything miniature.

I decided to create my own patriotic version. I found a box of miniature clothespins in LOTS of colors at Hobby Lobby. There are 240 little clothespins and the box was $19.99. I used a 40% off coupon so it was only $11.99. I didn’t need that many for this project so I have a ton left for other projects. The white canvas board was a Dollar Tree find for $1. The patriotic pieces I attached to the clothespins are actually stickers. I love these Patriotic stickers by PaperStudio. I probably always have either the large or miniature version of their patriotic stickers in my sticker stash because I love to use them in my planner. I get them when they go on sale at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. The twine was purchased at either Hobby Lobby or Dollar Tree. I have some in my stash from both places.

Next to the canvas is Dollar Tree patriotic tin with an Ikea potted plant. I can’t decide whether or not to put the canvas in a frame. For now, I am going to leave it. What do you think?

Most of these things I already had on hand. I purchased several patriotic things from the Dollar Tree recently. I am trying really hard to use things I have “on hand” right now because while buying and storing craft supplies might be a worthwhile hobby, there is only so much room in the budget and the craft room before it is way out of control.

Patriotic Apothecary Jars http://eatcravecreate.com/patriotic-apothecary-jars/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=patriotic-apothecary-jars Wed, 20 May 2020 01:44:59 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=331 Continue reading "Patriotic Apothecary Jars"


These apothecary jars sit on a table in my hallway. Some seasons are easier than others when it comes to finding inexpensive things to use for filler. I have a box of red, white, and blue supplies and switch things up from year to year. This year I put a strand of garland in the large jar. In the medium jar, I layered red, white, and blue wrapping filler, and I filled the smaller jar with tabletop scatter. This has been an inexpensive way to decorate for the holidays and my grandchildren look forward to seeing the changes each season.

Patriotic Decor http://eatcravecreate.com/patriotic-decor/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=patriotic-decor Wed, 20 May 2020 01:37:59 +0000 http://eatcravecreate.com/?p=327

I love this time of year! I pull out my patriotic decorations and leave them up for several months. This week, I am going to post simple decorations as I get them out and ready for Memorial Day.  I enjoy knowing they will stay up through most of July.
