I remember making Thanksgiving turkeys with apples and marshmallows when I was a child. I did it with my children; now I get to do it with my grandchildren.

To make the turkeys you need: apples, toothpicks, marshmallows (large of the head, small for the feathers), and miscellaneous items to use for decorating. We used chocolate chips and candy corn. We used corn syrup as glue to stick the chocolate chips and candy corn on the marshmallow head.
I gathered all the materials needed and put them on the table. I put the toothpicks in the apples for the younger kids, so they could just add marshmallows. The thing I enjoyed most about this activity, was seeing how creative my grandchildren are. When I was young, (and still in many things), I wanted to make mine just like the sample. These creative geniuses went to town. Our turkeys have pumpkin feet, etc. They had a great time creating their turkeys, and I had a great time watching them.

Even the 2 year old was able to get in on the action!