A tiered tray isn’t part of my regular seasonal decorating, but it was fun to put together. I gathered things from my red, white, and blue stash of decorations and purchased a couple of things from Hobby Lobby and the Dollar Store.
I purchased the tiered tray a few years ago from Hobby Lobby when they were 50% off. The firecrackers and mug on the bottom, the little truck in the middle, and the stars and cotton on top are all from Hobby Lobby. They were purchased at various times over the years. The flower on the bottom is part of a metal decoration I purchased from Dollar Tree. It was originally hanging from a metal sign that said America or God Bless America. I used pliers and separated the flower from the sign so I could fit it on the tray. The printed flowers in the mug, and the pail, and the red, white, and blue candle on the tier above are also from Dollar Tree. I used a couple of bandanas for added color on two of the tiers. I have had them for a while but I saw some recently at Hobby Lobby.